Author Topic: Checklist?  (Read 5612 times)

Offline EHM-1358 Tim

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« on: October 27, 2005, 01:04:17 pm »
Since I did terrible at my first PP flight, is there any chance of making a checklist so we know what we need to do?

EHM-1617 Iain

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« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2005, 01:39:13 pm »
Tim - just "Straighten Up and Fly Right" ;) That should do the trick

Seriously, Parking Brake, BATT and BEACON on before engine start. Then NAV light on before taxi. At the RWY, LAND lights on. Takeoff, don't forget the gear. Don't exceed 40* AOA or 4500FPM, or bank more than 40*. Passing through TA, set 1013.25 on the altimeter. No more than 280KIAS below FL100. After passing FL100, LAND lights off. Descending, get speed below 280KIAS and LAND lights on before passing FL100. Don't set altimeter to QNH until after FL180 (just use the TL). Gear down at the earliest at 5000'. Land, vacate, LAND light off, taxi in, set parking brakes, NAV lights off, shutdown engines, then BEACON off and lastly BATT off.

That should get you a zero, as long as you don't discover any others that I havent. ;) There is more than that though for realsitic procedures, but that is all that I have ever been failed on e.g strobes arn't checked.

Offline EHM-0948 Bruno

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« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2005, 01:43:39 pm »

Good checklist Iain! You almost covered all the penalties that we have.

On version 0.8.9 we will have that checklist on the Pilot's Lounge. Sorry for the long waiting, but we had other priorites in mind ...