Author Topic: Crazy Idea of fly-in  (Read 8297 times)

Offline EHM-2089 Vincent

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Crazy Idea of fly-in
« on: April 13, 2007, 02:46:49 pm »

I was just looking through some of posts about fly-ins and came up with a cranky idea. Can we schedule a simple flight around LSZH itself, wherein we all fly a fixed flight plan, say around 100 miles or so around LSZH itself and then once all planes are up in the air, limited to something like 20 planes max, we all come back and land into LSZH itself.

This could be done using smaller class planes, something like B1900 or ATR 42/Saab 2000 Max, and the altitude kept to less than FL100 thus restricting to 250KIAS. This could also be something like the game "follow the leader"!!

Lets contribute to some idea to make my cranky design to something where all of us could have some fun around!!

I just came up with something cranky like this ... can we do something like this over a weekend, may be a week or two later when all can be present for a simple fly-around!!:]

Offline EHM-0948 Bruno

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Crazy Idea of fly-in
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2007, 05:11:58 pm »

I think that it is a veyr crazy idea indeed :) ...

Definately it changes the idea of fly-in for sure :) ... But still let's see more comments about it ;)

EHM-2029 Sotiris

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Crazy Idea of fly-in
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2007, 08:58:18 pm »
Hi All,

I'm with Vince on this one.
The reasons being:
a) it's short and simple
b) It could attract more people as it requires less time than a full fly-in
c) If done online it can be spectacular (but has to be done some AWAY from controllers otherwise with correct time, distance and altitude separations we could be ruined)

Whenever this one runs, I'm all for it!
Good one Vince

EHM-1612 Paolo

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Crazy Idea of fly-in
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2007, 08:59:23 pm »
We can try to fly under a bridge, maybe we can try to repeat the Red Bull air race flying around buildings of the default scenery, that should be great! :8
What do you think about this last idea? ;D

Offline EHM-1883 Matt

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Crazy Idea of fly-in
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2007, 09:03:09 pm »
I think EHM already had an idea of if everyone got the Red Bull race scenery, we could go on Akroma and have a contest and watch eatchother fly, but it didn't get abandoned, it just got forgotten. I think it's a super idea! Maybe we could all try to get into a formation! That would be one heck of a feat, and it would look quite good for the EHM front page or something.

EHM-2029 Sotiris

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Crazy Idea of fly-in
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2007, 09:08:07 pm »
The more i read, the more exciting it becomes!!!

Bring it on!

Offline EHM-1465 Dominic

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Crazy Idea of fly-in
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2007, 12:09:31 am »
I think this sounds like a great plan for our Hub - let's all have a think about suitable routes and themes for the fly-in and put them here so we can all consider which one is the best!

Great idea Vincent, everybody feel free to join in and give ideas, this could prove very popular :P
Dom Mahon // EHM-1465
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EHM-1821 Javier

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Crazy Idea of fly-in
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2007, 10:28:30 am »
or maybe flying a plane under the control tower of LHBP hehehe... :] ;D

Offline EHM-2089 Vincent

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Crazy Idea of fly-in
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2007, 07:07:41 pm »
Never in my dreams did I expect such a huge response to my crazy idea. From the mails I realize that many are a game for it. All we need is the correct time and numbers.

As mentioned, we got to see the aspect of controllers too. Lets give this some time, let me think of a pattern we could fly, that would make for around 100 miles or so. With that once we file the plan, all of us got to stick to that plan only, something like this

Take off
c/m 5000ft  - in the process turn to waypoint 1, and so one to waypoint 2 etc
and then finally to waypoint N and lo descent to LSZH and clear off the runway so that the aircraft behind can land in peace and keep the gap good so that we avoid go arounds, which would mess the entire thing.

I would suggest that even if a controller is not there, on Vatsim, if all of us could be on the common local ground frequency we should be able to do good. Someone can be the leader and all can follow him!!!

Let me sit and think of a flight plan, in the meanwhile, all of you too can come up with flightplans. The longer the plan, the better for numbers joining the crowd, but lets restrict it to less than 100 so that we can rap it up in an hour or so!!!

Offline EHM-2089 Vincent

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Crazy Idea of fly-in
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2007, 02:33:02 pm »
Hi Dominic,

I was today trying to figure our some route which I could propose for the fly-in. I guess we should restrict the flying to only the Switzerland FIR (LSAS) right? In that situation it would be easy if we could have only a CTR controller if possible. I was thinking of a pattern like Take off from Rwy 10, and landing on Rwy 34. And after take off, a couple of right turns and possibly left turns too to make things interesting.

I was also looking at SID's and STARs which could be used or can we go off the book in making our own routes for arrival and departure.

Offline EHM-1465 Dominic

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Crazy Idea of fly-in
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2007, 01:21:53 pm »

Sorry, I missed this post until now :$

I think it would be great to have a route that goes South from Zurich towards the Alps (for dramatic scenery), incorporates a twisty SID for some take-off challenge, continues to somewhere near Luzern (good visual scenery for identification of the turn around point) then turns North again for a twisty STAR approach to land again.

This would make the route interesting both visually and procedurally but not too long.

It's only a rough idea so I'm very open to other suggestions :P

I also would need advice from one of our experienced Air Traffic Controllers as to how this would work within IVAO or VATSIM and if this kind of route might cause major headaches to ATC ;)

What does everyone else think..? It could be a really great event for Zurich :P
Dom Mahon // EHM-1465
VA Management

Offline EHM-2089 Vincent

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Crazy Idea of fly-in
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2007, 09:04:27 am »
Hi Dominic,

I agree,  your idea sounds good. Only too many twists may call for extra headache for the controller who will have to keep the separations :]

But I am really game for take off challenges and landings too. Will look forward to what other members of this group feel and then we go with the easiest of the difficult lot!!

Since Dominic you have come up with some names, I will sit and see if I can set up a pattern which we could all feed into our flight plan and then fly the same plane, so that max speeds will be kind of restricted and controlled too. Similarly landing and take offs and other maneuvers will also be predictable. I guess the best bet will be prop planes, class 2 or 3 planes would be the best for this event rather than bigger birds!!