Author Topic: Vatsim pilots  (Read 6932 times)

EHM-2288 Glenn

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Vatsim pilots
« on: November 16, 2008, 11:05:50 pm »
LPPT airport need more vatsim pilots from EuroHarmony to climb the ratings

Please join us to go up the ratings at Vataware

We are not listed as the top 5 VA's at LPPT anymore. Last time I checked (some months ago), we was nr 5. Please join me and other pilots in Vatsim flights in and out of LPPT. If you have any question on how to fly on Vatsim, just message me, and I will help you. We can make an appointment, and I can fly the same route as you do, if it's one of your first leg's on Vatsim, just to make you familiar with ATC services.

See you all in the skies of Portugal

Offline EHM-0948 Bruno

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Vatsim pilots
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2008, 05:48:56 pm »
Talking about this, on the last weeks, using Dolomynium, I noticed that VATSIM has always at least more 100 pilots than IVAO ...

Do you have a clue about this? :)

Offline EHM-2097 Andrei

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« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2008, 07:19:57 am »
No clue as far as I am concerned.

But this is some change because when I used to check DLMN regularly myself, that is a few months ago, it was quite the opposite.

Unfortunately I had to give up my personal "come-back on VATSIM" that I planned and I tried some time ago. IMHO the ATC management regulations (stricter than those on IVAO), while seeking to achieve a maximum of professionalism, are a real killer for small divisions.

I found myself in the annoying situation of being denied the solo APP position until I pass a exam, for which I need to have more experience, for which I have to do APP hours, which required traffic plus a mentor / trainer online, with whom I have to permanently try to synchronize my program. Well, not difficult to choose between this and being C1 and doing CTR on IVAO whenever I want...

A funny episode was that in order to "reach" this situation, I also had to pass again en exam that I already passed some time ago because it expired. That's not funny in itself, but there was one question (and a fishy one IMHO, kind of wanabee trap question) that was in both exams, with only two possible answers: "yes" or "no". In 2007 I answered "yes" and it was considered wrong, while in 2008 (remembering the question) I answered "no" and it was considered... wrong of course ;D

While I don't need to fill the everlasting debate "VATSIM or IVAO", my personal experience - as detailed above - shows that it is much easier to build and keep active a small division on IVAO.

One way or the other... see you online!

Andrei Vatasescu // EHM-2097

EHM-2288 Glenn

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« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2008, 04:23:59 pm »
Hi Bruno!

I have been looking at the stats from a couple of years ago, from to today about the situation between IVAO vs VATSIM. And those two networks has almost every time I have been online been on the same amount of pilots.

But in the latest time, after people have installed Vista, I know there is a well known bug with FSInn and Vista with FS2004 on it. And at the same time many people, including my self, having problems with the IVAO program. And VATSIM has newly launched the new Squawkbox 4 version, which supports both FS2004 and FSX, and then pilots who had trouble with FSInn, comes back to VATSIM.

I'm not a witch, but I think you will see even more people on Vatsim in the future, and perhaps IVAO will have problems with the number of pilots because of that reasons.

I also know that many pilots from my old VA didnt like IVAO, because it's not so "free to flight" at IVAO. IVAO got their own system, with own tours and exams. You dont have to go through that system in Vatsim.

I know this may sound like I'm a big Vatsim fan, but it's not that, it's only a question on what programs they use, and what is compatible with what. Vista with FSInn isn't that stabil, and the IVAO program doens't work very well eighter.

Offline EHM-0948 Bruno

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« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2008, 12:45:02 am »
Well, I also got problems with the latest IVAp on Vista and FSX ... It crashes the FSX so it's impossible to do a more than 30 mins flight without having a crash ... :(

I hope IVAO corrects that situation quickly because pilots are very demanding on those requirements.

