Author Topic: Amsterdam Hub Newsletter - October 2007  (Read 5398 times)

EHM-2029 Sotiris

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Amsterdam Hub Newsletter - October 2007
« on: October 02, 2007, 01:07:33 pm »
Dear EHAM pilots,

it's my pleasure to present you our hub's regular feature, our monthly newsletter.

EHAM Hub Captain's Thoughts

Through this last month, I had the pleasure of communicating with many of you and I want to emphasise my commitment to try and assist every pilot in whatever way I can.
I am pleased to see that we are slowly building a momentum and I hope we can keep it up.
Although, some of you chose not to communicate I have seen that our flying hours are up and so is the participation. A great thanks to our active pilots is in order.
I'd like to keep this trend and to this point, I'd like to organise a meet'n'greet meeting. Details below.

So, enjoy this month's Newsletter and I hope you can keep the suggestions coming to make this hub as good as we want it to be.


Amsterdam Airport Schiphol has been voted 'Best Airport in Europe' by leading British magazine Business Traveller.  The British market is the most important market for Schiphol after the home market in the Netherlands. During the first half of 2007 alone, more than 1.7 million British passengers arrived at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol.

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is ranking as Europe's fourth-largest passenger and third-largest cargo airport. Around 90 scheduled airlines operate flight services from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol to some 270 destinations worldwide.

On the Virtual World on the other hand, EHAM has established a record!

While it was for a sad occasion, NL-ADIR and IVAO founding member Cor de Jong's memorial flight, EHAM was in the spotlight for a night of records. Over 1000 users online together and more than 100 flights arriving to Amsterdam in the space of the 4 hours that the event lasted. While at some point 17 planes were holding around EHAM, there was not one diversion on the night.

A picture showing the organised chaos prevailing on the night can also be found on the relevant Forum Post.


The latest status of our hub is as follows:
31 pilots Total
23 Active
1 Away
As you can see, there's several pilots whose status is inactive and haven't filed a PiRep for the last month. All I'd like to ask is for our pilot to file the PiRep for any flight they make so they can maintain their active status and increase their flight hours and rating

On the upside, we have become an even more multiethnic hub and we now count members from the US, Luxembourg and Greece.

Please join me in giving a warm welcome to our newest members:
2165 - Kawsu Kejera
2163 - Brett Kokoski
2170 - Diogo Figueiredo
2173 - Bastiaan Bijsterbosch

Once again a special mention to our 'frequent fliers'
1944 - Jaap Hiddink
1166 - Andre Ronda
1592 - Niels Kalis
1142 - Stef Kalis

who between them clock more than 2900 hours and just in last month have contributed more than 300 flying hours.

EHAM Pro-Pilot HUB

I am pleased to report that further to your efforts of the last month we have returned most of our birds to their home.
Which means you can now have much more choice of planes, categories and destinations from our HUB.

For those of you however, who want to return the remainder of birds with a classy smooth approach over Schiphol then here's your choices:

Class 1 From: Eindhoven
Class 2 From: Brussels, Dortmund
Class 3 From: Antalya, Hamburg, Luton
Class 4 From: Dublin, London, Luxembourg
Class 5 From: Athens, Barcelona, London
Class 6 From: Athens
Class 7 From: Atlanta, New Delhi


We are currently working on the Amsterdam Schiphol page for our hub. This is your opportunity to contribute if any of you want.
Send me screenshots from our HUB. It can be in the standard FS Scenery, Cloud 9 or NL-2000's great freeware (for those of you have the 25Gb needed to put it in a hard disk). You can do this either via e-mail, U2U, or the screenshots forum.

Another topic was our Tour. I am now convinced that the best format is a tour of the Low Countries, Denmark, then a long hop to the Caribbean for some island hopping before a majestic end to the tour with a landing at the HUB. I have opened a topic to invite suggestions for destinations. Feel free to contribute so that the tour best reflects your preferences. You can find the link HERE.


I am planning to set-up a hub meeting for us. I have opened a topic where you can choose among several preferred times in order to maximise participation. And for those of you who are not familiar with TS, there will also be a short tutorial soon. Please give your indications HERE.

As I will write again, you, the EHAM pilots, are the body and soul of this hub. Please let me know what you expect from the hub and EHM in general so that I can do my best to deliver it for you. You can contact me via e-mail, forums or U2U.

Happy flying and safe landings to all.

