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Archive => ProPilot => Old Forum => ProPilot Main Forum => Topic started by: EHM-1199 Philip on April 30, 2006, 12:08:48 am

Title: What reward online conditions?
Post by: EHM-1199 Philip on April 30, 2006, 12:08:48 am
How does Propilot reward online conditions. I just took off on SO26 with a strong cross-wind. I was about 200' above airport buildings when FS2k4 and flight logger (and therefore ProPilot) recorded a crash. Consequently I receive a FAC rating of 1000 + have the faff of trying to lift suspension in time to make next event flight and get a plane for the event. Basically a bug but one that wouldn't occur if I fly offline in fair weather ... so why ever fly online on Propilot? Just a thought ... the cynic in me, having experienced this thinks why bother online again if flying Propilot ... so what incentive needs to be there to make me bother online with Propilot again?
Title: What reward online conditions?
Post by: EHM-1612 Paolo on April 30, 2006, 09:20:28 am
I had many problems too flying PP online: one time the wind were so strong that my aircraft went on overspeed; since that I fly PP flights only offline.
Paolo Mazzoleni EHM-1612
Title: What reward online conditions?
Post by: EHM-1617 Iain on April 30, 2006, 10:37:43 am
I think that's a great idea. Being rash, I got all the penalties you talk about (managed 8300 FPM yesterday in a PMDG 738 - nasty headwinds;D), but still fly PP online anyway.

Maybe as a reward for flying online and promoting the EHM name, all PP flights conducted on IVAO or VATSIM should receive some small token? I would be agaisnt this affecting FACs - that would be unfair.
Title: What reward online conditions?
Post by: EHM-1199 Philip on April 30, 2006, 11:28:26 am
If you fly on IVAO and have heavy weather then you are rewarded and perhaps the programming brains behind Propilot could factor this in somehow. I would be all for some sort of factor in the FAC becuase to fly online in real conditions presents additional challenges ... this could be reflected in the FAC ... I don't know what others think?
Title: What reward online conditions?
Post by: EHM-1612 Paolo on April 30, 2006, 11:36:25 am
I agree
Title: What reward online conditions?
Post by: EHM-1703 Philip on April 30, 2006, 12:18:54 pm
Okay....   I just want to check something with you guys.

Do you have wind smoothing turned on?

If not, before you have FS running or have been using IVAP, (preferably after rebooting your computer) go to "All Programs" on your Start menu. Find the IVAO folder, in there you should find a folder called "IVaP - IVAO Virtual Pilot Client" open that folder and then run the "IVaP - Configuration" program. When this program is running click on the "Weather & Time" tab. At the bottom of the window you will see an option that allows you to select Wind and Visibility smoothing. This will greatly reduce your penalties when flying online. It will not get rid of them altogether, to do this, you need to register your version of FSUIPC and use the weather smoothing options included with that program. (they are far more advanced and allow you to alter the rates at which the weather changes to make it more realistic)

The other thing you could do, is check real world weather enroute like a real pilot would.... (now we are getting advanced!)

This is probably the best resource for world aviation weather forecasting. You can check Turbulence, wind, pressure, cloud level and precipitation all over the world from here.

Hope these tips help a little. Enjoy :)
Title: What reward online conditions?
Post by: EHM-1617 Iain on April 30, 2006, 03:08:04 pm
Phil, as I told you about wind smoothing in IvAp in the first place, I do ;) But thanks for the website - that looks good.
Title: What reward online conditions?
Post by: EHM-1703 Philip on April 30, 2006, 04:52:08 pm
Hey Iain, how am I supposed to remember who told me about it! I pick up so many peices of information each day my brain needs a memoory upgrade! Two sticks of DDR2 should do it :) lol.

Anyway, you weren't the first, that was Murray! ;) I just forgot to set it after re-installing my computer and you picked me up on it! lol