EuroHarmony Community Forums

Community Discussion => Chit Chat => Topic started by: EHM-2589 David on December 12, 2013, 02:04:45 pm

Title: PMDG - DC6 looking beta testers
Post by: EHM-2589 David on December 12, 2013, 02:04:45 pm
Only for information ( :)
Title: Re: PMDG - DC6 looking beta testers
Post by: EHM-2387 Eric-Jan on December 13, 2013, 07:21:31 am
This is so cool!!!  ;D

Too bad I have no experience in maintaining these beauties, otherwise I would have certainly applied for the PMDG test team.
The DDA (Dutch Dakota Association) is actually looking for volunteers to expand their fleet maintanance crew, but I waived that off until I get my PPL (not too much time left to put into it). They are located right across one taxiway from my flightschool / club, so I get to see them and their DC-3 (PH-DDA) and Kataline (PH-PBY) a lot when they have their hangar doors open, or they come taxiing by for another test- or tour flight.
So awesome!

EDIT both their planes were at the static line of the Hoogvliegersdag 2013 EHLE. I was n charge of the static line (with 3 others, I must add), so I had some time to take soem up close photographs :) You can find them (together with a bunch more ictres of that day) here: (