Author Topic: 2009-06-06 New Forum Software  (Read 6566 times)

Offline EHM-0654 Murray

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2009-06-06 New Forum Software
« on: June 06, 2009, 09:18:13 am »
Welcome to the new forum software!

Took a little bit longer than expected to migrate everything over, but then I also started a lot earlier than I expected, so shows what I know.

It's going to look a little bare for a while, so start posting!

EDIT: Some of you may have some concerns that we've gone from lots of specific boards to far less, more generic boards for your threads: it's entirely intentional. The old forum was a little confusing for newer users that didn't know where to put things, because in many cases there was more than one place to put them. The new board layout we've come up with tries to keep things obvious for everyone, but especially new pilots. If needs be, we can always add further boards later on. :)

Oh, and if it's not obvious, the screenshot forum in this new software is replaced by the far more usable GALLERY button up on the menu. We've put in a few screenshots of the new Embraer 120 for demo purposes, but it's up to you lovely folks to fill it up properly.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2009, 10:44:58 am by EHM-0654 Murray »
Murray Crane // EHM-0654 // Twitter
VA Management