Author Topic: AI craziness  (Read 6893 times)

Offline EHM-0975 Ragnar

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AI craziness
« on: July 20, 2009, 07:03:21 pm »
Well, I play around a bit with AI, including EHM AI. This means I have to add parkings, and tweak the AFCAD a lot.

Parking G - overflow

Terminal F - I designated this the primary EHM terminal, totally disregarding reality. :)

Parking S - I have serious trouble coping with all the cargo planes...

Cargo area.

View from cargo towards terminal D - all those smaller/medium EHM planes crowd the place.

All in all, ESSA is to small an airport I guess... (Or the EHM timetable is just crazy.)

(Yes the repaints I made for cargo/holidays/business are really ugly, I know.)

Offline EHM-1001 Robert

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Re: AI craziness
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2009, 07:56:12 pm »
Hello Ragnar !

I think it is a real good job ;) Th eproblem with AI is they can really really fill an airport unwantedly :) It seems like airplanes are designed for parking and not for flying. Sometimes I think it is an error also of the game - handling AI. Anyway EHM have a huge fleet and sometimes needs too much space on the HUBs. You will not find as many airplanes on other airports. Keep on editing AI, it is a great hobby inside the hobby :)

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Offline EHM-1242 Stef

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Re: AI craziness
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2009, 08:43:26 am »
Hi Ragnar,

Problem with AI is that they remain at the gate until their schedule calls for their departure again. Not like in real life, where an airplane is parked at a gate, unloads, is then moved to a parking and remains there until it has to fly again after which it returns to the gate, picks up it's pax and departs. E.g. if you have a plane which makes one weekly flight, say on monday, ESSA-EGLL-ESSA, after returning at ESSA it will remain at it's parkingspot for a week at a time until it's next departure, blocking that particular gate for all others...

In that respect the AI algorithems in FS(9 or X) are programmed with as much 'care and accuracy' as, for example, the ATC routines in FS(9 or X again)...  ;)

In defence have to say though that when plane-spotting in FS this situation usually occurs when starting up the sim, when all planes scheduled by AI to depart somewhere in the upcoming time are placed at standby at the gates. When things get rolling, after an hour or so, gates do normally start clearing up due to departed aircraft. However mostly you will then have another problem: huge line of aircraft waiting for the active, and a true dogfight in the air of planes battling to land!  ;D

In short: plenty AI? God speed...

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Offline EHM-1001 Robert

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Re: AI craziness
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2009, 08:52:51 pm »
Exactly said ;) When you load in an airport life is starting, and all planes are departing which schedule started -15 minutes prior to load the scenario. So at the beginning the AI starts moving with a (max.) 15 minutes departure delay. I used to load the in the game, setup the scenario and let things happen, in the meanwhile I can do all my preparations - depending on the plane size it can take 20-50 minutes. During that time the AI movements are settle down a bit, some gates are getting cleared and also some arriving airplanes make the dance more interesting :)

AMD X4-955 3.2GHz / Gigabyte 770T / 4 GB DDR / Gigabyte GTS450 1GB DDR
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