Author Topic: Downloading Euroharmony aircrafts for FSX  (Read 5163 times)

Offline EHM-1882 Gian

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Downloading Euroharmony aircrafts for FSX
« on: July 12, 2010, 04:19:25 pm »

I just acquired FSX (after having hesitated a lot...). Anyway, it seems working well, except that the EHM planes I downloaded (using the FSX Configuration) are not fully operating (for example, I can't get the overhead panel or the throttle panel of the F70), others like the MD 83 or 767 just do not work, and I have to close the program... Also, the flight logger can't connect to FSX....Has anybody experienced the same type of problem? Is it still possible (recommended) to continue using the FS2004 planes? (which worked well)?
Thks for any input,



Offline EHM-1465 Dominic

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Re: Downloading Euroharmony aircrafts for FSX
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2010, 05:31:24 pm »
Also, the flight logger can't connect to FSX

That could be the cause - you need the FSUIPC module for FSX to allow the Flight Logger to get data from FSX and it may also explain why some of those planes aren't working for you as they should all work fine in FSX. Download the module from THIS PAGE and install it into FSX as per the instructions then try the planes and Flight Logger again and see if this fixes your problems...

Let us know how you get on and good luck ;)
Dom Mahon // EHM-1465
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Offline EHM-0975 Ragnar

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Re: Downloading Euroharmony aircrafts for FSX
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2010, 11:21:08 am »
I was just fighting with the FSX planes myself...  Here's what I found I had to do so far:

Fokker 70 and Boeing 757-200

copy these files to the  \Gauges directory

filefound in\SimObjects\Airplanes\Airbus_A321\panel\SimObjects\Airplanes\B737_800\panel\SimObjects\Airplanes\b747_400\panel

For the Boeing 757-200, if you want to lower the flaps ;) you need to edit the Aircraft.cfg, find the sections [Flaps.0], [Flaps.1] and [Flaps.2] and change system_type=0 in all three places
For some reason the posky 752 doesn't properly support the hydraulics setting in fsx, 0 means electric. (confirmed this in an entry in the posky forum)

I'm guessing the location of the files are different in different ver. of FSX (I have gold edition?)

There are still a few object not loading on the fokkers main panel, but I think they're flyable now. I was just about to completly reinstall fsx but I thought 'heck, one more try', and found this.

I'll browse through the other panels quickly as well to see if I find anything else...

Offline EHM-1465 Dominic

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Re: Downloading Euroharmony aircrafts for FSX
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2010, 08:25:07 pm »
Hi Ragnar,

Just confrm for me that you're using the FSX installers and that you're installing automatically please? These errors shouldn't happen so I'll have to check and rebuild the installers if this is correct. Sorry for the inconvenience but they all worked fine on my system...
Dom Mahon // EHM-1465
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Offline EHM-0975 Ragnar

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Re: Downloading Euroharmony aircrafts for FSX
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2010, 08:49:20 am »
Well, my FS install is not known as the cleanest in the world, to be sure, so it's a very valid question. :) I was also quite fast installing the planes when they were released for FSX, so I might not always have been using the newest installer.

I did however reinstall the B752, removed the aircraft dir and downloaded 'fresh' this monday, just clicking next on the install before I went hunting in the config files and found the 747-400 reference and the flaps setting. I did have a file 'boeing747-400.gau' in the gauges dir, but that did not contain the referenced gauges found in the '', which added to the confusion. (Not until I installed Panel Studio did it make any sense.)
The flaps setting forum post: Without using that setting the gauge showing flap angle does not move, but the recorded messages plays as you try to extend the flaps. Also FLogger thinks the flaps extends. However, if you look from the outside the flaps have not extended, and if you try to takeoff, the panel will scream (literally  ;D ) warnings at you when you gain speed.

Didn't try reinstalling the F70 though, but the problem I had was exactly the same as Gian, and it was resolved copying the file 737_800 file. (since the overhead and throttle panels points to single gauges from that set) The A321 file is just referenced for HSI and attitude backup gauges.

All the other panels I have installed (I think I might have modded one or two) seem ok, I did check through them quickly yesterday. There were some minor gauges missing here and there, but it looked ok (=flyable). :) I tested flying the MD83 and the B763 without problems, so I have no clue on Gians trouble with those.

