I'll have some more time this evening to go dig around in this, but basically we ave quite a number of setups that do not necesrily coincide, performance wise:
we have 3 planes: PAD, Aerosoft, and the X-plane one (don't know what brand that is)
we have 3 sims: FS9, FSX, and X-plane
we have 3 weather engines (or more if addons are used); one per sim
each model will have (slightly) different flight characteristics, and each sim will interpret that performance and weather data (slightly) differently.
So we must be careful not to start comparing aplles with pears, 'cause I can predict where that goes...
One thing I noticed is the white arc on Murray's (X-plane) Twotter extends to at least 120 KIAS, where mine (Aerosoft/FSX) goes up to 95 KIAS. The white arc indicated the flaps operations range: no flaps above the white arc! This is a clear indication of a significantly different flight dynamics model of those two planes...
(PS: weather is significant because IAS depends on density (determined from altitude and pressure), TAS on IAS and altitude, and GS on TAS and wind direction and magnitude, and in the end it is GS we are comparing, when in close formation)