Author Topic: two leg flight question?  (Read 7761 times)

Offline EHM-1838 Andrew

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two leg flight question?
« on: July 23, 2014, 05:59:04 pm »
Hello All

On this two leg f!ight lgav-lsmp-lppt.
Do i file each leg separately. Or do I have to complete the whole flight and then file it?
I hope the former as its a long flt for one session .

Hope that makes sense.

Offline EHM-1465 Dominic

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Re: two leg flight question?
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2014, 09:19:22 pm »
Hi Andy,

What flight is this please - timetable / mission / charter / multi-leg?

Let us know where the flight comes from within the EHM system and we should be able to help ;)

If you fly with Flogger it shouldn't really matter anyway as it allows for stopping at an alternate aerodrome then resuming to original destination...
Dom Mahon // EHM-1465
VA Management

Offline EHM-1838 Andrew

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Re: two leg flight question?
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2014, 05:35:23 pm »
Hi Andy,

What flight is this please - timetable / mission / charter / multi-leg?

Let us know where the flight comes from within the EHM system and we should be able to help ;)

If you fly with Flogger it shouldn't really matter anyway as it allows for stopping at an alternate aerodrome then resuming to original destination...

Hello Dominic
The flight was a 'Route Flight' from despatch over two legs.

I Pireped the first leg ,but could not get the second leg to be recognised.
I am beginning to think that i should not have pireped the first leg, but should have saved that portion of the flight(couldn't complete the whole flight in one sitting) Then completed the second section LFSB-LPPT and THEN! pireped the whole thing.
But I am guessing here.
Perhaps the 'Route' section of despatch could be explained to me concerning the correct pireping procedure if you cannot complete the whole flight in one sim session.

Anyways Dom if that lot makes any sense I look forward to your reply.

Cheers Andy

Offline EHM-2387 Eric-Jan

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Re: two leg flight question?
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2014, 10:15:27 pm »
In absence of Dom, I'll try to answer your question, even though I cannot speak from first-hand experience here (I never did a two-leg flight based on "Route" from despatch).

In general, the procedure to fly from A to C, with a stopover at B, is as follows:

1) Fly A to B like any other flight with Flight logger, but do not PIREP (as your destination is C)
2) Before shutting down the PC, safe the FL flight (Push the top button => File => Save) Give the file an understandable name
3) After that, save the FS flight
4) Shut down the PC
5) Sart FS again, load the flight as last saved
6) Start FL, the last FL flight should load automatically; if not, push the top button, File=> Open, and open the saved FL file from point 2)
7) Fly B to C as normally
8) file the PIREP at C, like normally

Now, I thought the "Route" feature chose two legs from the regular time table, so filing PIREPs for each leg separately should work anyway. If I assign myself a 2-leg "Route", I see the first leg in my "Assigned" flights, so that should be a single, PIREP-able flight, followed by the second flight in my "Assigned" flights list in FL as a separaratey PIREP-able flight.

So I now understand that you PIREPed the first leg, LGAV-LFSB, but did not see the second leg, LFSB-LPPT, as an assigned flight after that. I would have done exactly the same as you did, and I have no reason to think there's anything wrong with that approach. It should have worked.
So then we come to the internals of FL, and the interaction with the database that is maintained "behind" the website. Maybe Andrei or Alexander can shine a light on this? Because I think we know the correct functionality, but things did not work that way for Andy here.
EHM-2387 Eric-Jan Oud
VA Management: Operations Officer

Offline EHM-1838 Andrew

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Re: two leg flight question?
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2014, 10:56:48 am »
Thanks Eric!
Yes ! I think there may be a flogger issue concerning the 'route' flights.
However no panic there are plenty of others to choose from
I am sure this issue will be resolved soon.


