Author Topic: The beauty of FS2004 (Part One)  (Read 6020 times)

Offline EHM-1465 Dominic

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The beauty of FS2004 (Part One)
« on: August 18, 2009, 02:52:46 am »
To inaugurate the Screenshot Discussion section I thought I'd post a few pictures of my most recent flight - being a diehard FS2004 pilot I also wanted to show off how good FS9 still looks even though it is the 'old' version of the sim ;)

So, we'll start at LGAV for our EuroHolidays flight H191 taking 200 happy tourists back from their summer break to the home of the Beatles - Liverpool ! I chose this particular flight because nobody else had flown it yet and because I've been to Liverpool and its airport several times and enjoy comparing sim scenery to the real world  ;D

Our 757 is parked on the tarmac, fully refuelled for the flight and with plenty of sandwiches for the pax! I've left my First Officer on the flightdeck programming the FMC (pesky things  :D) while I perform the walkaround in the balmy sunshine...

Parking brakes are released and we're taxiing to the active ahead of all the other jets that are coming to life - we didn't want to get stuck behind that Emirates 777 or we'd be late...

"V1...  Rotate!" We're airborne on time and with a favourable weather forecast for the trip...

I set the plane up for the climb and turn towards our first waypoint as the passengers look fondly back on their heavenly Hellenic holiday...

There are only light clouds in the sky as we climb over the Greek coast towards our assigned cruise altitude of 36,000 feet...

I announce our arrival over the Alps to the passengers on the Intercom, well those passengers who aren't watching Hollywood blockbusters on the IFE anyway  ;D

My 'office' may be a little small but the views really are fantastic...

All too soon we are crossing the coast into the UK, passing over the famous Battle of Britain airfield at Manston...

TO BE CONTINUED (due to a forum limit on images)
« Last Edit: August 18, 2009, 02:56:41 am by EHM-1465 Dominic »
Dom Mahon // EHM-1465
VA Management