Author Topic: What is the funniest situation you have been into when flying FS?  (Read 5344 times)

Offline EHM-1749 Hector

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In a VA where its pilots have logged 433,168 hours flown there is no doubt that someone has faced a funny situation.
In my 25 years with FS and almost 3 flying on line I have had some.
To open this post I will talk about one of the funniest that still makes me laugh:
The first payware plane I got was Captain Sim B727 and I was flying from Maracaibo La Chinita (SVMC) to Lima (SPIM).
I have to mention that I fly in a laptop in my bedroom which I share (the bedroom, not the laptop) with my wife which is also my chief stewardess.
Well, one early afternoon I just had landed in Lima and switched to spot view to guide the plane to terminal.
My wife was watching TV (against all advices we keep the TV in our bedroom).
When I switched to spot view the first thing I noticed was that smoke was coming out from the main gear tires as I had to apply heavy breaking. AT EXACTLY THE SAME TIME, I smelled SMOKE and was amazed about it. I told my wife:  "Margo, this simulation is amazing for I can even smell the smoke from the tires!"
She looked at me, stayed there for five seconds then jumped out of the bed and ran to the kitchen.
From there she yelled: "Hector, don't worry. That was not the tires. It was the pasta I was cooking for lunch that got burned to ashes!".

My next was when flying the F1 but this will be later.

Good pilots keep their number of landings equal to their number of takeoffs. Takeoffs are optional but landings are Mandatory.

Offline EHM-1953 Daniel

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What is the funniest situation you have been into when flying FS?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2008, 06:05:49 pm »
haha that was a funny story Hector :D i haven't experienced anything like that, but maybe i will if i keep flying ;D
Daniel Sahlin EHM-1953 ESSA

Offline EHM-1592 Niels

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What is the funniest situation you have been into when flying FS?
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2008, 06:57:53 pm »
Great story Hector.

I've never been in such a situation before, i only have sad stories, like flying flight EHM-C766. As i was airborne for about 4.5 hours i had to make some dinner for my wife and kids, when the youngest one (age 1year) tought he could fly the PMDG744F you can imagine what happened... Lot's of alarms and lot's of PP points

Anyway I do love my guys;D
"...and this is the very first Fokker airplane built. The Dutch call it the mother Fokker."

Offline EHM-1883 Matt

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EHM-1612 Paolo

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What is the funniest situation you have been into when flying FS?
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2008, 10:31:14 pm »
Hahaha funny story Hector ;D
Not long time ago I tried to teach my sister about FS with a Beechcraft, but the funny thing is that just before she did her first flight, I inverted the axis on the joystick ;D;D

Offline EHM-2155 Mariano

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What is the funniest situation you have been into when flying FS?
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2008, 01:39:53 am »
I was flying a kinda long haul flight, something like 4 or 5 hours. The previous day I had partied with my friends so I figured I'd do the climbing, leave it in autopilot for the cruise and take over for landing.
So I climbed to FL 360 and went to "nap"

Six hours later when I finally woke up, after punching several times the snooze button on my alarm clock, I find my Airbus 330 doing circles at FL 360 above the destination airport :O
So I quickly set a course away from the airport and start like a 3000 ft/m, full spoilers, contact the tower, request ILS and start circling around to it :S

When I touched down I had little more than 15 remaining minutes of fuel...
If ProPilot had a penalty for "Pilot fell a sleep during flight", I would have gotten it :O

I wonder what my passengers thought of that flight and how the stewardesses explained the situation to them
"Hum yes sir, this is completely normal. Our Captain drank too much last night and he's a sleep, we will land as soon as he wakes up. Do you want peanuts?"

Offline EHM-2097 Andrei

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What is the funniest situation you have been into when flying FS?
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2008, 08:10:50 am »
I have also a fuel story (that is funny because of my complete unawareness of the deep trouble I got into).

I was flying the Eurocargo mission between ESSA and LFPO, with the Bae 146. The mission required "strong winds" and I compelled, but it appeared most of these were headwinds during all flight so I burned a lot of "unscheduled" fuel enroute.

Plus, I kind of miscalculated the fuel, so that during approach I noticed I only had VERY little left. I decided to cheat rather than crash and checked "unlimited fuel". Little did I know that the sophisticated Bae 146 panel ignores this setting.

Thinking I solved the problem, I concentrated in doing good on finals and did not think about fuel again.

I landed on the runway, braked, bringing the aircraft almost to fullstop. Then I set throttles again to leave the runway, and AT THAT MOMENT all engines flamed out due to fuel starvation.

This too would sound nice in real life: "Tower, EHM9999 has landed, now we need a fuel truck or a pushback tractor to vacate the runway please".

Andrei Vatasescu // EHM-2097

EHM-9302 David

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What is the funniest situation you have been into when flying FS?
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2008, 07:22:13 pm »
Great story.
Never experenced anything like that.

Offline EHM-2272 Callum

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What is the funniest situation you have been into when flying FS?
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2008, 07:29:23 pm »
Flying a 24 hour flight from Sydney to Atlanta, just about to begin my approach and got a powercut. never tryed doing one since :(