EuroHarmony Community Forums

Virtual Airline => Announcements => Topic started by: EHM-2387 Eric-Jan on January 13, 2016, 01:39:32 pm

Title: New server address for the Company Channel
Post by: EHM-2387 Eric-Jan on January 13, 2016, 01:39:32 pm
Hi Mumble users,

(if you aren't yet, see,7244.0.html (,7244.0.html) for the initial announcement, and installation guide)

My server that runs Mumble will get a new address soon. I started out with an addres via (, and wanted to change that to a DNS server that comes with my QNAP NAS - which is the server Mumble runs from. That's when I introduced the address. Unfortunately, QNAP has decided to move all mycloudnas addresses to myQNAPcloud addresses, and to discontinue mycloudnas.

So, for now, the address will still work, but thereĀ“s no guarantee for how long (it requires me to respond to an update mail every three weeks, so chances are that I will forget at some point - or be on holiday too long...). The address will soon (mid-Januari 2016) stop working, and if you want to be sure you can still connect every time: change the address to, as it is shown in the installation guide (' (')