Author Topic: An Enhanced EHM Dash 8  (Read 2460 times)

Offline EHM-2198 Didimo

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An Enhanced EHM Dash 8
« on: March 15, 2008, 07:28:25 pm »
I liked the ATC on Class 3 but unfortunately on both FSX & FS9 the walls of the cockpit seem to have been ripped off their coverings. On FSX even shows as psychodelic colours.

Anyway, I decided to do my Class 3 on the DASH. Love its form too and boy, is it difficult to find one out there (freeware or payware) that actually works!!!

I decided to do some virtual mechanics and virtual avionics on my EHM Dash 8 (with the Molina panel). I have done the following improvements:

1. Installed the SuperTimer v2 gauge on the main panel. Now I no longer have to guess what is the current local time and zulu time. I need this info (in both formats) to file my PIREPs as well my own paper logbook.

2. Added a rear view that shows the door behind the cockpit and the seats.

3. Added a Left and Right cockpit views, no longer I have to stare at the void beside my seat :) it is now a real cockpit side window as it must be.

4. Added a Forward Left cockpit view.

Only problems I have encountered so far are:

1. The Forward Right view still does not show and I don't know why...

2. Have to sort out the "position" setting of the views because when I switch to any of these extra views and go back to the forward cockpit view (the default) then I see the previous view exposed outside the cockpit. I have to do a manual reset (select forward view) and then the old bitmap disappears.

There was some right view that had a good looking female copilot but somehow I did not get that bitmap to properly display. Apparently it was an FS2002 bitmap.

There is some nicer (apparently like the real life panel) out there but I did not get it to work, it always showed a Boeing panel so I guess it was some old panel mislabelled FS2004 (from one of those many sites).

Anyway my search paid off and now my 2nd Dash flight was super pleasurable. I love this plane!

