Author Topic: Loss of Internet connection  (Read 14605 times)

Offline EHM-1703 Philip

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Loss of Internet connection
« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2008, 04:53:56 pm »

Can I ask what plane you were flying as I have a feeling this might something to do with FSUIPC....

I have had a similar problem myself with the PMDG 747 and it took me a while to figure out was happening..... In short I was rushing my approach and decent and trying to deploy flaps too early... I was slowing down on finals and using flaps to bleed speed but on the PMDG 737 & 747 it models Flap relief so if you are going to fast it will not give you the requested flaps until your speed is low enough, so it keeps cycling the flaps till the plane is below the ref speed for your flap setting but this causes a a cue between FSUIPC and the flight logger so therefore until the FSUIPC had completed sending all the flap movements for constantly cycling the flaps it would hang the flight logger up..... I hope this is clear and it could well be a similar situation, make sure you do not lower your flaps until the aircraft is below the correct reference speed for that setting.

Hope this helps.
Phil Nutt EHM 1703


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Loss of Internet connection
« Reply #26 on: February 22, 2008, 01:44:34 am »
Hi Philp,

Been flying only one plane so far, PMDG B1900D. Hanging happens even without flap operation.I have  a registered version of FSUIPC in my system.
