Author Topic: Just Flight f-lite Airbus A318 Jetliner  (Read 5344 times)

Offline EHM-1997 Alexander

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Just Flight f-lite Airbus A318 Jetliner
« on: February 14, 2011, 10:39:46 pm »
I must say, at £5.10 this aircraft is a steal.

We fly this plane on Eurobusiness Class 5, and if you own FSX, and aren't looking for a study sim A318, get this one.

The FMC is very simple, bus has a few nice features including checklists, performance data and so on. Flight plans can be loaded in from saved .pln flights (although my FSCommander one wouldn't load, I used FSC's waypoint functionlity to control the autopilot).

The frame hits were very acceptable and she looks very nice. I don't have any other in the series to compare it to, or the Aerosoft Airbus X, but comparing price, this is a must.

Very happy with this purchase.

The A319, 320 and 321 are also available, at £15.30 each. From what I can tell, it's pretty much the same cockpit with stretched models and flight files, so a fiver gets a look at this range.

Here's a review of the 320:
EHM-1997 Alexander Worton
VA Management: Web Developer

PC: i7 4790K, 32GB Ram, SSD, Nvidia GTX 780
Mac: 27" iMac i5, 4GB Ram, ATI HD 5750
IVAO: 353030 VATSIM: 1117910

