Author Topic: Testing the [Limit Reached] phenomenon  (Read 7187 times)

Offline EHM-2387 Eric-Jan

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Testing the [Limit Reached] phenomenon
« on: February 18, 2016, 02:43:17 pm »
Had a blast, steep-turning to follow the river  ;D

Here's us leaving Healy River

And me, taking off first

Soon, after missing that first, short, closed airstrip (sorry, don't remember the name), two t/g opportunities presented themselves: CLF (Clear Sky Lodge), and PACL (Clear)

Did not take pictures at the intermediate t/g's, PANN (Nenana), PAML (Manley Hot Springs), and PATA (Calhoun Memorial), because I recorded them with FS recorder. I hope to find some time to make a little movie of some of out T/G's there ;)

This is me, climbing out of PARY (Ruby) on a righthand downwind, while Peter is turning Lefthand Base, coming in.

Peter on final rwy 25 PAGA (Galena, Pitka)

Trevor was holding for his opportunity to land. Here he's leaving the hold.

And, of course, the famous SMILE  ;D

Here's part 1 of the route as I flew it

And part two

And another Doodle for the second to last leg of this event:
EHM-2387 Eric-Jan Oud
VA Management: Operations Officer