Author Topic: Greetings from the past  (Read 5359 times)

Offline EHM-0250 Magnus

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Greetings from the past
« on: January 08, 2020, 05:20:19 pm »
Hi all!

Just wanted to say hi. It's awesome to see the airline still alive and active. :) It's many years aince I was part of the management together with Gergely Kosa and Maarten Pools. Back then my last name was Larsson and not Schmitz like now. So if you wonder why it might say Larsson on some places on the site it's my wife's fault. Took her last name when we got married back in 2005.

Anyway. The new Flight Simulator looks really interesting, and because of that I'm thinking about taking up the flying for EHM again. Haven't flown at all in a few years but have quite many hours logged with EHM. More than you can see on my profile actually. Don't know if you guys know, but back in the days we had a harddisc crash that made everyones's data be lost forever, so everyone had to start from scratch. Oh the memories... :)

How are you guys doing? Are you looking forward to the new simulator? Guess it's way too early to say if there will be EHM liveries for that sim. Have to see if modding like that will be possible. Would be surprised if it's not. After all, it's the Viritual Airline community that have made the new sim a fact I think, so not being able to have your own liveries would be a kick in the face on the community.

Fly safe, and maybe we'll cross paths in the sky! :)

Offline EHM-1829 Trevor

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Re: Greetings from the past
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2020, 09:10:31 am »

   Hi Magnus. Nice to hear from you mate. You bring up some memorable names from the past with Gergely and Maarten, and others who were and still are real innovators.
   Our members list has dwindled over the years but the Management and Pilots are keeping EHM going, the numbers are small but steady;  sadly their was not enough on-line flying to keep our EHM liveries from being scraped by IVAO.
   I am looking forward to the new flight sim, it looks remarkable; and I need a change of scene from FS9. ;D
   Hope to see you back soon Magnus. :)
   All the best for now.

Offline EHM-0001 Gergely

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Re: Greetings from the past
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2020, 09:21:27 am »
Interestingly, it also occurred to me these past days to check EuroHarmony. :)

Nice to see it is still up and running.

Unfortunately I abandoned flight simming more than 10 years ago due to work and family. Still, I'm looking forward for the new Microsoft FS!


Offline EHM-1829 Trevor

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Re: Greetings from the past
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2020, 11:48:39 am »

       Hi Gergely. I hope the new FS inspires you to come out of retirement and become active again. :)
       Ten years is a long time to leave your Flying Goggles hanging on the Peg.
      Roll on the Roll out of FS 2020. ;D
       Cheers for now.


Offline EHM-0250 Magnus

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Re: Greetings from the past
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2020, 05:31:33 pm »
As long as there are enough people to keep the airline running, that's all it takes. And I guess the number of active members have been dwindling at least partly due to the fact that there hasn't been a sim released in so many years. Maybe we will see a return once the new sim is out.

And Gergely! OMG! Haven't heard anything from you since back in the management days. Great to hear from you!

Wouldn't it be cool to have like a reunion when the new sim has been released, and fly together for a weekend or something? Revival of Euroharmony hehe. I would like that a lot. :)

The only ones I remember from the days are Murray Crane and Robert Szikszo. They were getting involved in the management already back then. And they are still going strong. Impressive! :)

This is me on Facebook. If any of you want to, just send a friend request. It's so much easier to keep in touch theese days. I mean, we barely had internet back then hehe.

Offline EHM-2387 Eric-Jan

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Re: Greetings from the past
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2020, 08:22:42 am »
Ha! Welcome back Magnus and Gergely!
EHM MT nowadays consist of Murray and myself, effectively, with Murray doing all the critical stuff in the background (keeping the site, forum, database alive), and myself as operations. I get support from the community in the form of leg-lists and graphics to use for new PP events. Peter is top contributer in that respect, so he is sort of "shadow-MT" at the moment.

I like the idea of creating an online event as a sort of get together / reunion type thing, once MSFS2020 is out for a bit. Maybe combine it with our birthday, April 29th. We will at least have to do something special for one year later, our 20th anniversary...
EHM-2387 Eric-Jan Oud
VA Management: Operations Officer

Offline EHM-0250 Magnus

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Re: Greetings from the past
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2020, 06:06:10 pm »
I might have to install FSX and refresh my flying skills, so I'm ready for MSFS2020 when it's released... :)

Offline EHM-0250 Magnus

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Re: Greetings from the past
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2020, 10:20:37 am »
I am flying again!  ;D 8)

