Author Topic: 2004.05.14. Apply for LGAV HC pos - 4 days left  (Read 2677 times)

EHM-0001 Gergely

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2004.05.14. Apply for LGAV HC pos - 4 days left
« on: May 14, 2004, 04:50:58 pm »
Dear pilots,

Only four days left to send in your applications for the LGAV Hub Captain position!

As you may know, EHM0615 Dimitris Pantoleon had to resign from LGAV Hub Captain position due to personal issues. The Hub Captain position is now vacant, and EHM pilots can apply for it.

Those who apply need to be current or former EuroHarmony members. It consistes an advantage if you:
- are from Greece or with knowledge of the Greek language
- fly frequently online on IVAO (or VATSIM)

Tasks for a Hub Captain
HCs must verify and validate all pireps of pilots from that hub. He/she will also welcome new pilots personally, send hub pilots occasional newsletters and answer their questions. Furthermore he/she is expected to propose or organize events.

How to apply
Please send a mail to replying to the following questions:
- Name, EHM pilot ID, age (optional), location (city, country)
- What languages do you seak?
- How much free time per week do you have to work for EHM?
- Why do you apply for the HC position?
- How do you imagine the future of EHM?
- If you'd be CEO, what would be the three things you would first change at EHM?

Deadline to send in applications: 18th May 23:00 UTC

Gergely Kosa