Author Topic: Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread  (Read 105486 times)

Offline EHM-1749 Hector

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #200 on: October 21, 2007, 05:59:58 am »
At this time (0455z) I am at 960nm to SBGR. Just realized that even though the LOG window of FL is active, the ACARS stopped at 0421z sending information. Checking in the EHM site I also noticed that my flight dissapeared from the FLIGHTS being made window. Please don't tell me that I lost this flight because it would mean that the F1 event is over for me! I will continue until landing hoping that the ACARS will resume sending information. I don't know what to do here. Just hope is in it for me now.

Good pilots keep their number of landings equal to their number of takeoffs. Takeoffs are optional but landings are Mandatory.

Offline EHM-1749 Hector

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #201 on: October 21, 2007, 06:03:23 am »
After sending the previous message I noticed in my AVATAR that I appear ENROUTE at 34003 ft with 496 KTS. Actual time is 0503Z.

Good pilots keep their number of landings equal to their number of takeoffs. Takeoffs are optional but landings are Mandatory.

Offline EHM-1749 Hector

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #202 on: October 21, 2007, 06:54:11 am »
Just for information, here are three pictures showing what is going on.

This is the LOG page of FL

This is the ACARS page of FL

This is the Servinfo window showing where I am.

Good pilots keep their number of landings equal to their number of takeoffs. Takeoffs are optional but landings are Mandatory.

Offline EHM-1749 Hector

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #203 on: October 21, 2007, 07:14:48 am »
I don't know why the other pictures didn't show up. Here they are:

This is the ACARS page of FL

This is the SERVINFO page.

It is now 0613Z and I am 370NM to Guarulhos. Getting prepared for landing.
It has been now 16 hours since I left Ryad.

Good pilots keep their number of landings equal to their number of takeoffs. Takeoffs are optional but landings are Mandatory.

Offline EHM-1749 Hector

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #204 on: October 21, 2007, 08:41:51 am »
ALELUYA! For some miraculous reason, when I set Flap 1, ACARS resumed recording information. It was dead between 1:21 and 4:21. I am relieved and happy now but during the last 3 hrs of the flight I was at the verge of a nervous wreck. Still shaking.
Would be interesting finding out what could have caused this problem.

Good pilots keep their number of landings equal to their number of takeoffs. Takeoffs are optional but landings are Mandatory.

Offline EHM-1829 Trevor

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #205 on: October 21, 2007, 11:04:43 am »
Hi Hector
    In that situation we would all be nervous wrecks.
    I would need a small wine or a bucket of beer to calm down:>
    Glad all turned out ok mate.

EHM-1612 Paolo

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #206 on: October 21, 2007, 03:17:07 pm »
Ouch, that's a big problem...I'm glad too you made it Hector

Offline EHM-1703 Philip

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #207 on: October 21, 2007, 07:09:25 pm »
Hector, it is definitely a connection problem... Either....

1) FS is not connected to Logger via FSUIPC
2) Flight Logger is not connected to server due to internet connection issue.
3) Server is not receiving information due to connection issue (Server Side)

I regularly have this kind of problem also when flying the PMDG 747 and usually a tweak of the flaps cures the problem, just make sure you are not overspeed for the Flap setting cause if you get flap relief on the PMDG 747 it causes all sorts of problems for the flogger!
Phil Nutt EHM 1703

Offline EHM-1749 Hector

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #208 on: October 21, 2007, 07:20:31 pm »
Thanks Trevor, Paolo for your kind comments.
I agree that I should have had at least a bottle of wine specially being in one of the World Wine Tour Cities but I was so tired that went to bed in prep for the final F1 race. A pity what happened to Hamilton but for sure he will be in next year.
As mentioned, it should be interesting to find out what caused the problem with FL. I had never experienced such a problem.
Happy now that there are two legs to finish this extremely interesting event. A true Marathon.
Best Regards,

Good pilots keep their number of landings equal to their number of takeoffs. Takeoffs are optional but landings are Mandatory.

EHM-1612 Paolo

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #209 on: October 21, 2007, 07:25:21 pm »


It's a pity what happened to Hamilton, he deserved the driver's championship more than everyone else in F1, Ferrari will need much more extra hp to beat him again next year ;)
See you in Geneve!

Offline EHM-1749 Hector

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #210 on: October 21, 2007, 07:48:17 pm »
Hi Phil, thanks for the answer.
I don't know the insides of FL but my question is: how the LOG page was recording the info while the ACARS didn't? I suppose that if the comm with FSUIPC was lost, then neither the ACARS nor the LOG pages were recording information.
Like I said I had never had this problem so I didn't know what to do nor what the cause was. I noticed it when after flying for a couple of hours with no wind, it started blowing as per the small screen in the panel. When opening the ACARS window to find out how long it had been with no wind there was still showing zero. When checking the time column, it took me a while to observe that it stopped recording at 1:21.
I decided to go on because the LOG page was working but I was 99% sure that I had lost the flight based on my asumption that the LOG page feeds from the ACARS page.
But because God is a Pilot too, everything went fine eventhough my life expectation got shorter for those 3 horrifying hours:]
This is what makes flying fun!

Good pilots keep their number of landings equal to their number of takeoffs. Takeoffs are optional but landings are Mandatory.

EHM-1821 Javier

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #211 on: October 22, 2007, 11:20:28 am »
I have to admit its my fault that Hamilton lost...

I made a belly landing at Luton due to gear not extending and mclarenhad troubles, I had a scenery problem, "causing me to crash into a building" at Shanghai, again mclaren had troubles. I didnt make it to Brazil and Hamilton had problems with his car....:]:]:]

yay!!! kimi won ;D;D;D and first time world champion ;D;D;D

Offline EHM-1749 Hector

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #212 on: October 27, 2007, 02:22:49 am »
Well, it happened again. At 21:43 LT the ACARS stopped recording but the LOG still is doing it. This time, however, I think I get an idea why. The stopping just came after I opened my web browser. Still 2150NM to go. ETA to LSGG is 03:00 a.m LT.
Trevor landed just 30' ago. Happy for you, amigo and congratulations for finishing this exciting tour.

Good pilots keep their number of landings equal to their number of takeoffs. Takeoffs are optional but landings are Mandatory.

Offline EHM-1749 Hector

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #213 on: October 27, 2007, 07:22:53 am »
Just landed at Geneve and as Phil said, at the very moment I set Flap 1, ACARS started to record again. Thanks God!
It was a very excitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing tour. Congrats to the Management for planning this event.

Good pilots keep their number of landings equal to their number of takeoffs. Takeoffs are optional but landings are Mandatory.

Offline EHM-0948 Bruno

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #214 on: October 27, 2007, 12:24:11 pm »
Thanks mates,

We will start giving the awards soon.

Expect more news for the next event that will come at the end of the year!! ;D

Offline EHM-1829 Trevor

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #215 on: October 27, 2007, 08:04:53 pm »
What a Marathon, another big thanks to the Management for the Planning of
 this event.
 And cogratulations Hector, i hope all your ACARS nightmares are behind you now
 lol ;)

EHM-1612 Paolo

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #216 on: November 06, 2007, 03:42:59 pm »
Wow!! I just landed at Geneve! :P:P
What a great tour!

Here's the 2008 F1 Calendar, just in case... :8 :]
16 March Australia
23 March Malesia
6 April Bahrain
27 April Spain
11 May Turkey
25 May Monaco
8 June Canada
22 June France
6 July Great Britain
20 July Germany
3 August Ungary
24 August Europe (Valencia)
7 September Belgium
14 September Italy
28 September Singapore (I think Javier is quite happy about it ;) )
12 October Japan
19 October China
2 November Brasil


EHM-1821 Javier

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #217 on: November 06, 2007, 04:23:17 pm »
Congrats on finishing the event,  Paolo!! ;D

Originally posted by EHM-1612 Paolo
28 September Singapore (I think Javier is quite happy about it ;) )

you bet i am ;D

EHM-2029 Sotiris

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #218 on: November 07, 2007, 07:36:58 pm »

Finally in Geneva.
What an event. When it started, I was a 'humble' FC and now I've amassed more than 250 hrs.
There were some very tense moments, some overspeeds, some hard landings and in general many hair-raising occasions.

I'm just glad to reach the finish line....

Here's to the next event

Offline EHM-1009 Kevin

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #219 on: November 07, 2007, 10:22:00 pm »
WOW what a f1 season and what an event. i landed my b747-f1 in geneve, and look forward to doing it all again next year. hoping to have the PMD version for then, but then how about a cargo A380??
Kevin Booth - EHM 1009
Intel Quad Q6600 @3.0Ghz
Biostar TPower I45
ATI 4850 x1
Windows 7 Home Edition
120GB SSD Boot Drive

Offline EHM-1703 Philip

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Formula One 2007 Edition - Official Discussion Thread
« Reply #220 on: November 07, 2007, 10:56:54 pm »
Sorry guys, I crapped out landing in Forteleza!!!! My screen froze and I thought my PC had crashed.... A few seconds later, there I was on the ground with that green bar saying "CRASH!!!" on the top of my screen! Oh well, it was fun all the same, at least I got to the end of the F1 season!

Well done to all those that completed this marathon. I know there were a lot of sceptics and a lot of obstacles to overcome but it just goes to show, there are always a handful of hardcore fanatics that will persevere! Congratulations!
Phil Nutt EHM 1703

