Author Topic: Your opinion counts!  (Read 5148 times)

Offline EHM-0948 Bruno

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Your opinion counts!
« on: October 02, 2007, 11:39:21 am »
Dear pilots,

The MT team started the planning agenda for 2008.

One of the decisions that we took is to hear your opinion about what you would like to see on your (ours) VA.

This is very important for us. EuroHarmony main objective is to hear the pilots, to listen to their thoughts and to try to implement what can be implemented in a realistic schedule time.

So, tell us what you would like to see, to have, or to be improved.
Tell it even if it is a small thing, or completely new feature regarding (or not) to what we already have.

Let's hear you!


EHM-1821 Javier

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« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2007, 12:37:29 pm »
Seeing that a lot of ProPilot aircraft are outside of their hubs, i just thought of this:

a option when locking the flight to choose whether to fly a one way trip or a two way trip to the destination and back to the hub. That might get planes back into the hubs to start flying from ;D

I'll write down more as i think of more :]

Offline EHM-1838 Andrew

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« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2007, 01:12:00 pm »
Hello All
I would like to see a lot more medium range flights say approx 700 to 1500nm for both the main and cargo divisions for the 747s .
Mine are mothballed at present apart from the occasional maintenance flt.
cheers Andy;)

EHM-1500 Jim

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« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2007, 04:49:36 pm »
1) Abolish the idea of a propilot fleet....

Why can't every flight one does be counted as a propilot one if a pilot wants.

I tend to choose my flights on-line around where the ATC is that evening - invariably there is not an aircraft i want to fly at the departure airport so i fly non-propilot.

I dont see why you cant just pick an aircraft type, route and then make it propilot ??

2) Encourage more participation at fly-ins (i am as bad as others at not attending by the way) - some of my best hours with this VA have been on the fly-ins - not necessarily the long ones but the short hops in europe on IVAO - great fun. I know the modern world is more busy and i for one have less time free but if we could get the monthly fly-in up and running again with good participation i think it would be a benefit to us all and the VA

3) Carry on the otherwise fabuloius work!! :>


EHM-1612 Paolo

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« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2007, 07:08:54 pm »
Well...first of all the new flight logger version, I can't keep on flying online with PP since I always get the Gs force and the 4500fpm penalties...
Then, I think we should improve more the stats (on the hub page and on the personal infos).
More short VFR tours, improved online page, kind of an Ivao/Vatsim event page and bigger file size allowed in the scrrenshots page ;D
As soon as I think to something else, I'll post it on this thread ;)

EHM-2101 Tarik

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« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2007, 07:06:29 pm »
I'd like to see more tours. A lot more. Tours are one of the best things in Euroharmony. Just love to fly them. So more of them would be very nice. And if u need some ideas, I think I can make up something ;D

Btw, I started the world tour today ;)

Offline EHM-1442 Luis

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« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2007, 10:33:08 pm »
Dear MT team

At the moment I would like to see in our VA :

1 – About Flogger/Propilot
Try to implement some kind of warning when the connection with the server is lost and we can prevent that, at the end of a flight, the message that PP does not have enough information to validate the flight.
To make sense, what I mean is something like ivap has when the connection goes down – a warning sound.

Update the link to the IVAO VA system.

2 – A new and very technical tour. A really difficult tour.
Must be done with a slow aircraft(Museum or Academy).A lot of small legs but all the legs must be difficult to do.
A tour where we must imperatively  fly VOR or NDB Radial and (or) if we fly on a mountain area, we must fly below  a given flight level. For example we are flying on valleys between mountains of 5000ft and we must be always below 3000ft, looking the right way .

Thank you for asking and continue the good work


Offline EHM-2131 Bruce

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« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2007, 02:50:05 pm »
Hello all, could it be possible to make it so that you have a choice of flying all flights on Pro -pilot, I find it more challenging to fly Pro-pilot, l like to fly tours and as far as l know you cannot do this, keep up the good work l find the group very helpfull. regards Bruce  EHM-2131

EHM-1612 Paolo

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« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2007, 07:58:41 pm »
Originally posted by EHM-2131 Bruce
Hello all, could it be possible to make it so that you have a choice of flying all flights on Pro -pilot, I find it more challenging to fly Pro-pilot, l like to fly tours and as far as l know you cannot do this, keep up the good work l find the group very helpfull. regards Bruce  EHM-2131

Yep, I think that would be great, PP tours. It can be something like, we give you this plane locked with your name on it and you have to fly the tour with it without crashing...

Offline EHM-2155 Mariano

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« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2007, 10:23:32 am »
I would like to see longer range flights for class 4, 5... I've just reached class 5 and I was excited about making longer hops but the difference with class 4 was just 300 miles :S
What I mean is that if we go from a 1600 nm range aircraft to another one capable of 3200 nm range, why am i still flying 900 nm flights? :(

Also, I think the ProPilot points should be rechecked, once you get some penalties, and go into the negatives, its really hard to make up for it. Do it a bit like FSPassengers, where you do have penalties but if you have a good flight other than that, it almost makes up for it.
Points are confusing, I see i got a "0" for a perfect flight, gee, i dont want a 0, i want a 100 or whatever... seems better.

Offline EHM-1695 Hélio

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« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2007, 03:39:48 pm »

My first wish was made a long time a go... Flights between Azores islands, to Porto Santo, and to Winnipeg (from Lisbon and/or north america hub)...

And i think we need to do something about that bug betweeb propilot and Airbus A320 (and the others from PSS)... Most of the time i don't fly with propilot because i've been penalized for not having the landing lights on, when actualy they are!

Offline EHM-2131 Bruce

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« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2007, 05:47:43 pm »
could  you also look into the points for a good flight, i have just done a flight with no penalty, but my fcc as only come down by 9 points!. you get a penelty of 100 for not having your landing light on, to me the the point for a good flight should be at least that amount, to get back to an fcc of 0 l would have to fly over 400 good flights. regards Bruce