Leg02 - another leg - another ivao adventure....eheheheh
I was doing this leg on IVAO as always.....taxi at LFAC....
'you must contact LFQQ_APP'...'rgr, Old Tante Ju on a VFR flight from LFAC to LFPO, with you. Stop on the taxiway and ..wait...wait... 'old Tante Ju!!?'.......eheheh ......'Junkers52
on a VFR flight from LFAC to LFPO, with you'..and...wait...wait....
On IVAE i saw LFFF_CTR was on......and contacted LFFF_CTR...answer ' you must contact LFQQ_APP'......ehehehe
15 minutes later i received clearence to the vfr flight...with taxiways indications, h/points and everything by the book...Controlled on a APP on another airfield, outside from his radar range.
And I was Thinking that on a vfr flight, I only have to send my flight plan, but i was wrong.
Here we go.......hdg 190, at4500ft.....?Please contact LFFF_CTR..' junkers52 on a vfr flight to LFPO, hdg 190 @ 4500ft, with you'......'ok, Sir, continued as filed'.........
Minutes later 'Please contact LFPG_APP, bye'.........
I contacted LFPG_APP and now started the true adventure....eheheheh
'VFR flights are forbidden on Paris, are you able to do a 360º turn?'...eheheh...'yes Sir, i'm abble to do a 360º...do you want it now or later?'.......eheheheh...'Now'.......I disengagged the awsame sperry AP..and start the turn.....maintaining the flight level........When i was almost at hdg 270...the LFPG_APP told me.....'Come back to hdg 180 and change your flight plan to IFR, Climb and maintain FL070
What category are your aircraft?'........Maybe a UFO, I thought, but I answered '3 engines piston aircraft, category medium'........eheheheh
eheheh..Come on Tante Ju....be patient........ehehehe
'No so much trafic at the moment so you follow my vectors to LFPO'..said LFPG_APP......After doing circles around ,flying by hand and writing on the ivao textbox......I was almost without fuel......hmmmm....Solution.....I disconnected from ivao and finished this leg offline.
This was a very challenging leg around Orly and I'm impatiently waiting for the next leg.