Hello Andrew, have finally got FS 9 working again by removing KB3086255 the sim would not run first time so uninstalled the sim from my computer and did a new install and it WORKED so i will have to start downloading aircraft again but i made a back up so should not be much of a problem,
Thank you for all you help in directing me to the information, was a bit unsure if l would get it right have also changed the MSU update so i can check if it tries to download it again, according to the profile of the Longbreak754 he is not far from me, could even be a member of the local FS club l sometimes go to
Anyway thanks again very much appreciate all the work the MT do Very Best Regards Bruce EHM-2131
Glad you are airborne again.
Surprised you had rein Fs9.
If you have a backed up copy of FS9 then what you could have done is installed FS9 anew (as you did) and then simply copied your backup over the new installation .That way you would not have re download all your aircraft and other addons as you now have to.
On the other hand at least your simming again and that's the main thing.
Do you use the CD 4 for running your sim ,or the other no CD option (which by the way is no available widely and even obtainable at some FlightSim sites these days)
I have used the latter for years now.
If you use WU and see that offending file again there is an option to 'Hide it' and that way you won't be troubled by it again.