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Chit Chat / Re: In Memorian Gergely Kosa.
« Last post by EHM-2589 David on September 12, 2024, 01:30:48 pm »
RIP :'(
Chit Chat / Re: In Memorian Gergely Kosa.
« Last post by EHM-2131 Bruce on September 10, 2024, 10:30:42 am »
Very sorry to hear the sad news, yes a sad loss at such an early age, condolences to his family and friends, rest in peace Gergely.
Chit Chat / Re: In Memorian Gergely Kosa.
« Last post by EHM-1829 Trevor on September 09, 2024, 10:03:00 am »

        Sad news to hear of Gergely's passing and at such a young age. I share the sentiments with all that's been said
        and to the inspiration that he passed to others.
        My sincere condolences to all his family and friends.
Chit Chat / Re: In Memorian Gergely Kosa.
« Last post by EHM-2387 Eric-Jan on September 09, 2024, 09:20:54 am »
Very sad to hear about our founder no longer being with us. And to have gone at such an age... that's just terrible!

Our thoughts go out to his family and friends, and to all whose hearts were touched by Gergely.
May he rest in peace.
Chit Chat / In Memorian Gergely Kosa.
« Last post by EHM-1417 Tamas on September 08, 2024, 06:45:43 pm »
In memoriam Gergely Kosa, EHM-0001
In memoriam Gergely Kosa, EHM-0001

Dear Members!
I'd like to pause for a moment in the midst of the rush and topics of everyday life...
We would like to inform you of the sad and devastating news that Gergely Kósa (128367), founder of the Hungarian division of IVAO, thus the first HU-DIR, former member of the IVAO SoftDev team, ATC and pilot instructor, passed away tragically at the age of 42.
Gergely signed up to the network twenty-two years ago as a young physics student at university. His dedication to the IVAO is best demonstrated by the fact that by 2004 he had gathered around him the Hungarian members who had been trying their wings in the virtual skies without belonging to a division and founded the IVAO Hungary division. In his spare time he prepared training materials for future pilots and pilots, spending countless hours teaching and examining them to the highest (at that time Instructor) ratings, not only in the Hungarian division but also throughout the network.
For our older members, the name of The Eye (IvAe) software, which is actually the predecessor of today's Webeye, may sound familiar. Although it has been out of use on the network for a long time, Gergely has also added value to IVAO by creating this software.
In 2016, after a long hiatus, he briefly returned to the network as HU-ADIR with a single mission: to save the division from closure.
His incredible knowledge, dedication and selflessness left a lasting impression on many of us, and I am sure that all of us who knew him have a fond, funny or even instructive memory of him or her.
Rest in peace, Gergő!
Thank you for everything! 🖤

Translated with (free version)
Chit Chat / Re: Back again... (did you notice I was gone?)
« Last post by EHM-2387 Eric-Jan on January 28, 2024, 09:35:47 am »
Thanks, Bruce!
I am getting better now, and will be OK soon.
It just shows that, although I am in the last strectch of recovering from burn-out (my energy levels are getting back to reasonably normal values again), I still have to gain some resistance and resilliance. A common cold would normally not have grown into a full blown pneumonia with me. So there is still a stretch of path to go.
But I'm getting there! :)
Chit Chat / Re: Back again... (did you notice I was gone?)
« Last post by EHM-2131 Bruce on January 27, 2024, 09:38:57 pm »
Hi E-J, Sorry you have been unwell again , you sure have had more than your share of ill health,  lets all hope you make a full recovery,  and are able to have some quality time with your family,  and friend's,  Best regards Bruce EHM-2131
Chit Chat / Back again... (did you notice I was gone?)
« Last post by EHM-2387 Eric-Jan on January 27, 2024, 06:54:36 pm »
Had myself an inflamed throat that spread to the sinuses, and later also to my lungs. So I did not leave bed for about a week now. Getting better, though!
So I just approved 7 PIREPs of which the oldest was waiting for a full week already. Sorry about that, David and Dawie! That is not how I normally roll...
Announcements / Re: PP Event: VFR World Tour 2024 IVAO
« Last post by EHM-2387 Eric-Jan on January 05, 2024, 06:50:49 pm »
The VFR World Tour 2024 Event is now live on the website. You have the month of January to join. Leg 1 is "open" until February 4th.

Legs will become available at a rate of 1 per week, and will all be available for 4 weeks, in principle. With 50 legs, this will keep us busy for the whole year. :)
I have added a bit of slack at the end for the December holidays, finishing our tour by the end of January 2025 - like the IVAO World Tour.
Do remember to play nice and follow the rules of the IVAO World Tour. You can find them here:
Also, per leg charts, suggested routes and instructions are available in the leg list; be sure to check them out before each leg.

That also goes for the replacement ICAO codes. All ICAOs as per our website are valid for FS9, FSX, and all versions of XPLANE.
There are only 2 exceptions for MSFS2020: 5T6 is called KDNA in MSFS2020, and SLRI is called SA68 in MSFS2020. So you have flightlogger issue a PP flight for 5T6, and fly to (or from) KDNA if you are using MSFS2020.

Now head on over to the website and sign on!
Safe Flights!
Announcements / PP Event: VFR World Tour 2024 IVAO
« Last post by EHM-2387 Eric-Jan on January 05, 2024, 07:39:34 am »
NOTAM: Be advised that I am currently in the process of putting together a PP event that has the leg list of the IVAO VFR World Tour 2024. It will be released shortly.

So if you plan to fly the IVAO VFR WOrld Tour this year, I would suggest holding off untill the PP Event is released and combine the two ;)

Keep an eye out on our Forum / Website for the official start announcement. Meanwhile, pilots can discuss the Tour and their planning for flying it here:,7927.0.html
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